Privacy Policy – Healing The Shadow
1.0 Privacy Policy regarding User Privacy and Data Protection
• User privacy and data protection are human rights
• We dislike spam as much as you do
• We will never sell, rent or otherwise distribute or make public your personal information
2.0 Relevant Legislation
This website is designed to comply with the following national and international legislation with regards to data protection and user privacy:
• EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR)
• This site’s compliance with the above legislation, all of which are stringent in nature, means that this site is likely compliant with the data protection and user privacy legislation set out by many other countries and territories as well.
3.0 Personal Information That This Website Collects and Why We Collect It
This website collects and uses personal information for the following reasons:
3.1 Site visit tracking
Like most websites, this site uses Google Analytics (GA) to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their journey through the website.
Although GA records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us. GA also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you but Google do not grant us access to this. We consider Google to be a third party data processor (see section 5.0 below). GA makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Google’s developer guides. Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop GA from tracking any part of your visit to pages within this website.
3.2 Data Retention
The Google Analytics Data Retention controls give us the ability to set the amount of time before user-level and event-level data stored by Google Analytics is automatically deleted from Analytics’ servers. Currently we have this set to the minimum amount of time allowed which is 14 months. When data reaches the end of the retention period, it is deleted automatically on a monthly basis. These settings will take effect from May 25, 2020.
3.3 Email Link
Should you choose to contact us using the email link on this site, none of the data that you supply will be stored by this website or passed to or processed by any of the third party data processors defined in section 5.0.
3.4 Subscription form
Similarly, when you use the any newsletter form present on this website, the information is sent by email and is not stored by this website or passed to or processed by any of the third party data processors defined in section 5.0.
Internet email is not a secure medium of communication; it can be intercepted and read. Do not use it to say anything you would not wish to be made public. If you are sending confidential information by email this should be sent using password protected attachments.
4.0 About This Website
4.1 This website’s server
This website is hosted by Dreamhost LLC in a US data centre located in Redlands, CA. They offer the highest level of security and privacy for all their clients’ websites.
All traffic between this website and your browser is encrypted and delivered over HTTPS.
4.2 This website is designed, developed and maintained by Healing The Shadow Ltd. The company is GDPR compliant.
5.0 Our Third Party Data Processors
We use a number of third parties to process personal data on our behalf. These third parties have been carefully chosen and all of them comply with the legislation set out in section 2.0. Google and Dreamhost have their main bases in the USA and are EU-US Privacy Shield compliant.
• Google (Privacy Policy)
• Dreamhost Hosting as defined in section 4.0 (Privacy Policy)
6.0 Data Breaches
We will report any unlawful data breach of this website’s database or the database(s) of any of our third party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.
7.0 Data Controller
The data controller of this website is: Marianne Hill – Healing The Shadow
E-mail: MarianneHillShadowWork@gmail.
8.0 Access to personal information
Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’ under the General Data Protection Regulations. If we do hold information about you we will:
• give you a description of it
• tell you why we are holding it
• tell you who it could be disclosed to
• let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form
Please make any such request in writing (via email) through the details given in Section 7.0
9.0 Changes to Our Privacy Policy
This privacy policy may change from time to time inline with legislation or industry developments. We will not explicitly inform our clients or website users of these changes. Instead, we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes. Specific policy changes and updates are mentioned in the change log below.
10.0 Change Log
04.05.2020 – Instigated Privacy Policy