
Watch a short film with our current and past trainees talking about their experiences of the two year Healing The Shadow training programme.

Written Testimonials From Qualified Practitioners

“This training has provided me with the personal and practical tools to step into one-to-one facilitation of this deep process work. It has also given me two years of reliable and consistent support and holding. The peer to peer relationships that developed over the two years and the intimacy of the training weekends I found incredibly supportive. Being witnessed in my own personal process was a fundamental part of my journey and my personal healing throughout this training.
The syllabus is broad, and yet none of it was superfluous. All the material was important and valuable. There is no fluff. There is theory of course, but so much of the training is experiential. We were sat opposite each other working in pairs, learning the initial tools of this work within a few hours of the very first weekend and this is how the training continued. There were no powerpoint presentations, no desks, no classroom with a teacher at the front; there was a circle, there were cushions and blankets, there was space and sometimes silence, and there was intimacy, and sharing and deep exploration and deep learning. Six trainees, dropping in with each other for two years, exceptionally well held with an authentic, strong, nurturing energy emanating from Marianne and her team, an energy that only ever wanted the best for each of us. Their profound awareness of the delicate depth of this work and their ability to pass this on to us with increasing levels of subtlety has been frequently awe inspiring. This work and the way it has been shared by the trainers has landed fully in my heart. They provided a wonderfully warm and predictable holding, and in that holding was a safety for me to settle, to explore, to open and to turn towards what I have always been capable of.
The considerable client practice hours in year two have prepared me to step out into the world from here. I had no prior experience of facilitating therapeutic work prior to this training and a limited experience of shadow work. The training has fed me deeply on both an intellectual and an emotional level. ‘Transformational, relational, and embodied’ it has been!
I feel joy writing this. I am left nourished, ready and will be forever grateful.”
Alasdair KirkHealing The Shadow trainee 2019 - 2021

“This course has filled and enriched my ‘spare’ (and sometimes not spare) time for 2 years. It has been profoundly rewarding and was taught with a high level of detail and care…

Personally, as part of my lifelong journey, I have a well developed need for ‘safety.’ I need to believe that my teachers are working with consistent integrity and transparency . This course has fully met my expectations and requirement in this respect, and in all others too. I am deeply satisfied to have been so thoroughly and skilfully taught. In addition, my queries and questions throughout have been met with respect and clarity, and I’ve always received answers that calm the anxious sleuth within. My life journey has involved trauma and fear and negative self beliefs – this course has offered me the opportunity to move these beliefs along and into places where their power has waned and they can rest easy in the knowledge that I’ll be just fine without them.

The depth of the personal work on this course was profound. Had I not fully intended to qualify as a Healing The Shadow practitioner, I’d have done this course just for the personal development and work/life skills that it offers. I have experienced deep shifts and developments in myself and I have seen my fellow trainees, also, transform over the 2 yrs … I am now considerably more at ease with aspects of myself that I will call upon as I grow my own practise.

In terms of theory and content this course has been full, thorough and rich. We’ve been given considerable printed resources, alongside thorough and substantial hours of practical skill learning and practise. It all seemed somewhat overwhelming when I first started – wobbly and nervous – and yet now I have the skill and knowledge to work deeply and effectively – and all with the indispensable support and considerable skills of my course colleagues. I have been able to understand deeply the theories of Healing The Shadow – and it has been a great inspiration to complete the training.

Marianne and Rod have been unequivocally generous with their time and their own considerable skills as practitioners of this work.. I believe that they’ve positively engaged with, and supported, all of us all to set up our practises, and it is clear that they genuinely want to see us embed our skills and succeed as Healing The Shadow facilitators. We’ve been given excellent formalised peer supervision tools, and the ongoing requirements for CPD and Supervision have been well facilitated and supported. I find myself now part of a small, grounded and growing community of practitioners, and I know that I can practise effectively with the professional and warm support of these two fabulous, very intelligent, experienced teachers/practitioners at my back. Thank you.”

Laura StoddartHealing The Shadow trainee 2019 - 2021

“This two year training has been one of the most transformational and deeply healing journeys I’ve ever experienced. Marianne and Rod are exceptionally skilled at teaching, guiding, supporting and challenging each person at the exact right moment. And with their wisdom, warmth and sharp perception I saw and experienced them consistently meeting myself and each trainee’s deepest vulnerabilities, powers and strengths with such grace. The space they create is profoundly real with deep care, they really walk their talk when they say every part of each trainee is fully welcome, the safety of this speaks volumes as when there’s safety, very deep healing can occur. I now feel equipped with the external and internal tools I need to work with individuals in their deep healing, supported by a strong and safe structure Marianne and Rod have passed on to us. I feel a different person than I was when I began the training. And my external world has shifted hugely in ways that move me to tears of eternal gratitude. I now welcome life rather than try to hide from it and I feel I know myself in ways I couldn’t even have imagined. This I know is a result of the work, care and love they have put into this training. For all of this, thank you from my heart.”

Rachel MitchellHealing The Shadow trainee 2019 - 2021

“Wow that was a journey. Or rather a crucial part of a lifelong journey. The crux of the climb from the shadows towards the sunny peaks of balance and healing. After encountering my shadow through the Mankind Project and through archetype workshops with Rod, and experiencing first-hand how powerfully healing the processes are, when the opportunity came to join this training I felt a pull to do it. Primarily as furthering my own emotional healing and growth, but also to give me a new purpose after retirement from a life-long career in industry.

The course Marianne and Rod have created is practical, (from day one we were working with each other), but also backed up with a good level of theory and reading. It is brilliantly crafted and delivered.

I give it a 5-star rating.”

Richard MartynHealing The Shadow trainee 2019 - 2021

Testimonials from Marianne’s trainings for psychotherapists. (Please note: these shorter trainings are no longer available.)

I attended this course recently and was blown away. This work is very powerful and a great tool to have in the consulting room. I have used it many times now and find it very clarifying. I found my whole inner world change in the weekend attended, so much for the better. I am now much more at home with my power and able to hold that in relationships and within myself. Honestly, the world is now a different place, one in which I can hold myself and worry less about what people think or want, not that I don’t respect that, but it no longer worries me. I highly recommend this training!

LouAnne Lachmanpsychotherapist

Marianne you are an amazing teacher; clear, deeply authentic, hugely permission giving, with fine care and attention to detail.

You managed to teach the tools in a very accessible and  clear way.

I feel my work will be much enhanced by this training, I feel so inspired and excited, and I also feel my own journey and personal wounds received such beautiful care and integration that I really do feel something deep has been brought to healing within me. I thank you so much for that.

Dominique SakoilskyCouples and relationship counsellor

I found the shadow work training extremely valuable in terms of personal development and working on aspects of self. Also I learned a variety of tools to take away. Most importantly I found that the learning environment was safe with genuine people that allowed me to share my experience and develop self.

Ellen WhellerConsultant Social Worker, Therapist in private practice and Trainee Counselling Psychologist

Thank you for your fantastic training… I have found it invaluable in my practice in helping clients speak from their different parts, and giving their darker voices a space.

Heather Coombecounsellor for adults and teenagers