Our Trainees

Meet some of our current trainees.

Hannah Johnson – Final Year Trainee

Hannah Johnson

Final Year trainee on the Healing The Shadow Practitioner Training

Area: London and Leicester

Telephone: 07470822512

Email for individuals:  Johnson.hannah@hotmail.com

Email for corporates: Hannah@engageforsuccess.org

Hannah is a Business Psychologist and Coach who began her career working in organisational Development, improving organisational culture and employee engagement through change programmes, aiming to help create optimal workplaces that people will thrive, not just survive in.

Hannah has a private coaching practice where she works with individuals to reveal a greater depth to themselves and explore strategies that lead to a more fulfilling life.

Consultations with her often appeal to neurodiverse individuals, women of colour and/or those working in the corporate profession that are seeking to recover from burnout: those seeking support and inspiration in finding their way towards a more sustainable lifestyle, addressing past behaviours that no longer serve to enable the feeling of wellness in themselves and others.

Having worked on the People Strategy across multiple sectors, industries, and organisations – BQF, One Housing, Centrepoint, HC One, KPMG, Cadent Gas and NHS BT to name a few- she has explored what makes people tick and found fulfilment through focusing on the experience of employees through programmes improving Leadership Development, Culture, Employee Experience and Engagement, Well-being, Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB), Manager Capability and Process Improvement.

Hannah’s ethos is to raise the standards of business practices and make a difference, not just for herself but for everybody, today and in generations to come.

Kenneth Whitelaw-Jones – Final Year Trainee

Kenneth Whitelaw-Jones

Final Year trainee on the Healing The Shadow Practitioner Training

Telephone: 07766364262

Website: www.deepprocesstherapy.com

 I began my personal journey of emotional healing ten years ago having reached a low point in my own life.  My journey took me to men’s groups and talking therapy and from there I arrived at Shadow work.  I was struck by its transformational power to bring lasting change quickly.  Having completed several training courses in shadow work and seen its impact through my work with mens groups, I decided to join the Healing the Shadow training and began my transition from business owner to Deep Process Psychotherapy practitioner.
Through this training I look forward to supporting  those who are searching for deep inner change, and healing, or simply a greater sense of emotional well-being.
I write a newsletter about shadow work, personal development and Deep Process Psychotherapy at www.deepprocesstherapy.com

Francesca Antrobus – Final Year Trainee

Francesca Antrobus

Final Year trainee on the Healing The Shadow Practitioner Training

Area: Bristol

Telephone: 07917127407

Email: antrobusfrankie@gmail.com

Welcome! If you’ve found yourself here, chances are you’re seeking something more — more alignment, more freedom, and more connection with your true self. I know that feeling well. Over a decade ago, I was trapped in cycles of depression, disordered eating, and self-doubt. Life felt like a constant struggle.

But one day, I chose to take a step toward change, and everything shifted. That decision led me on a path of deep healing and growth, and it inspired me to help others do the same. As a Transformational Shadow Work Coach & Practitioner, I intend to work with men and women to uncover the hidden parts of themselves—the parts that hold fear, self-criticism, and limiting beliefs—and transform them into sources of wisdom and strength.

I currently live in a camper van with my husband and our dog, embracing a life of freedom and adventure. My mission is to help you do the same—to break free from what’s holding you back and create a life that feels true to who you are. I am looking forward to setting up my practice next year and welcoming new clients.

Nicky Holt – CPD Healing The Shadow trainee

Nicky Holt

 Trainee on the CPD Healing The Shadow Training

Area: Oxford

Mobile: 07538874581

Email: najholt@gmail.com

I work as a therapeutic counsellor in Oxford. My core training is in the Person Centred Approach to counselling. This means that I have a strong belief that every individual has the capacity for growth and personal development if given the right conditions. In therapy these conditions are acceptance and empathy from a non-judgemental, genuine and trustworthy therapist. I will work hard to understand my client’s view of the world and their experiences so that I can reflect these back to them in a way that supports their self-understanding and acceptance. My clients lead this process and talk about what is important to them.

Having undertaken further training as a Relationship Counsellor I also integrate ideas from systemic theory which helps those in relationships understand how they, sometimes unintentionally, impact each other’s behaviours and emotions and attachment theory which helps to shed light on the automatic assumptions we make about relationships based on what we learned in our early childhoods.

Before qualifying in Counselling and Psychotherapy I had nearly twenty years experience of working as a Registered Mental Health Nurse. I am also qualified in Occupational Health and have experience of supporting clients with work related mental health issues. My background in mental health means I have some understanding of medication and statutory services.

I am undertaking this two year CPD training with healing the shadow in order to deepen my work with my clients, and also to deepen my understanding of myself.

Post Graduate Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy – 2013
Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling – 2015
CBT for Person Centred Counsellors -2015
Relate Certificate in Relational Counselling – 2020
Dip HE Mental Health Nursing – 1996
Advanced Diploma in Occupational Health – 2010

Sarah London – CPD Healing The Shadow Trainee

Sarah London

Trainee on the CPD Healing The Shadow Training

Area: Chepstow

Email: sarahlnd@hotmail.co.uk

I have recently completed a five year post-graduate diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy. This deeply immersive and experiential training has been a very challenging and growth-full experience in my life. Over the last four years I have built up a practice in Chepstow, offering low cost therapy to adults, children and young people; as well as collaborative work with families, using a systemic approach. Alongside this, I work as a school counsellor in a local secondary school.

I have a passion for learning and growing in my understanding of myself and the world around me. I have a real commitment to ‘doing the work’ and getting to the truth of things. I’m particularly interested in how we can free ourselves from limited beliefs, loyalties or habitual ways of being that keep us restricted and stuck. Hence being drawn to shadow work and the process of facing these parts of ourselves we have come to believe are inadequate, undesirable, wrong or shameful. I am looking forward to having the support of a group to explore these places and help to integrate my own split-off parts and in turn, I hope to support my clients to do the same.

Richard Grey – Training Assistant

Richard Grey

Training Assistant on the Healing The Shadow Training

Area: Somerset

Email: richardgrey57@icloud.com

I am very familiar with Shadow Work. I completed a ‘six-month journey’ in Shadow Work with Marianne and Rod Boothroyd in 2018/2019 and have assisted at several HTS and other events run by Marianne and/or Rod, including ManKind Project UK & Ireland workshops.

I retired from full-time employment (in sustainable construction research management) in 2017. I am currently a member of several mens groups and I am Chair of the Frome Writers Collective (FWC). I have several writing projects in progress, including a novel.

I am extremely interested and involved in many alternative healing modalities, including Shadow Work, 7 Words, Astrology, Meditation, Family Constellations and Identity Oriented Psychotrauma Theory (IOPT).

I love being part of a group and assisting and supporting others on their healing journeys.